Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Business Side -XP to Vista ... new computers/business systems
Everyone said Vista is a problem, find a computer with XP. Well, that was close to impossible. The only option I found for laptops was to have a new machine built with XP by Dell. Since I was not interested in Dell and even the Mac didn't support my business applications like ACT, Quickbooks and other programs, my option was to upgrade to Windows Vista - so I have.
I don't think that the problem is that Vista is a bad operating system. Hey, years ago I had to buy a new desktop when the only thing available was the ME operating system, which was nothing but a problem. Vista seems to work great. The problem is that it doesn't work with most older versions of software, which means upgrade, upgrade, upgrade and spend more money. Most all of my programs have had to be upgraded and that takes time and money.
On the bright side, having a new computer that is speedy with the latest and greatest features and software is a great feeling. I'm looking forward to rocking in the new year with a fast computer!
With that said, let me give you the coaching tip here. Researching, purchasing and overcoming the change with the new computer and transfer of data (let alone this being the holiday season) has been a challenge. However, remembering that I can go into the new year faster and better as a result of this challenge provides me with a light at the end of the tunnel. Most things that are worth while require work and sometimes even a little aggravation along the way, but the important thing is to keep the right perspective and the vision of what is to come in the future - try to visualize the fruits of your labor whether it's a computer, real estate or other.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Evaluating Neighborhoods
I have a friend who is looking for a new home in his daughter's school district. His daughter lives with his x wife and their home is quite a distance from his current home. He wants to be closer to his little girl so he has set out on a search for a new home. After driving through numerous neighborhoods in the school district and narrowing it down to a couple of neighborhoods in the area, he was still having a tough time deciding between those neighborhoods.
On Halloween, we were taking his daughter Trick or Treating. Then this idea popped into my head and I said, "Let's Trick or Treat" in those neighborhoods that you've chosen thus far!" We did just that. After our Trick or Treating adventure, his decision was very easy and he decided on one neighborhood that is his favorite.
Too bad Halloween doesn't come around more often -what an easy way to check out the neighbors and get more information on a neighborhood. Even when it's not Halloween, you can still walk the neighborhood and talk to people. Give it a try. One of my clients once told me a story about how he had heard my words about "talking to the neighbors ring in his ears". He was shy and uncomfortable with just trying to strike up a conversation with people. However, he finally decided to talk a kid who was riding his bike. That little boy ended up telling him that someone had been killed in the house he was looking at purchasing. See what I mean? There's a lot of information available for you if you'll just get out in the neighborhood and start talking to people!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Atlanta Progressive News on Atlanta Housing Authority
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Transform a Neighborhood
It started with my thinking, “Wouldn’t it be nice if someone spearheaded a project of getting investors together to go into a neighborhood that needs improvement where properties can be purchased inexpensively and a big positive impact can be made together?” I have thought that thought many times. Then one day it hit me that maybe I am the person to spearhead the initiative. Now with all of the mortgage fraud and foreclosures–especially in certain neighborhoods, I really see a need and an opportunity here.
It seems to me that investors are often “lone rangers”; and, I often wonder what would be possible if we were united. I see this as a project where investors would collectively mastermind the idea, recruit resources and collaboration from the city, county, police force, drug task force, corporate sponsors such as banks, and so forth. However, each investor would individually purchase their own property or properties within the neighborhood that is being transformed.
Thus far, I’ve created a file folder titled, “Transform a Neighborhood”, where I jot down notes and throw them in there, stuck a little sticky note on my dream board with “Transform a Neighborhood” written on it, and had a long conversation with one of my coaches about it. Now, I figure it’s time to take the next step, put it out there for exploration and ideas from other investors, like you, to see what’s possible when we unite. Emily Dickinson said, “I dwell in possibility.” Well, I do, too; and dwelling in possibility creates all sorts of amazing things! If you are interested in the possibilities surrounding this idea, you can get involved by posting your comments and or emailing me at .
The Impact of Fraud & Foreclosures on Real Estate Investors
Certain zip codes have really been hit hard with fraud and foreclosures creating issues for neighborhoods and for real estate investors. The neighborhoods are sitting with vacant and boarded up houses. Normally, this would be great for some investors, who love to buy these types of properties; but the problem is that due to all of the fraud and issues around values of these properties, lenders do not want to lend in certain zip codes. Ethical quick turn investors and wholesalers sit with an inventory of properties in these areas with no means of their clients obtaining funding for them to move the inventory unless they take a loss. Neighborhoods with high vacancy rates and boarded up houses usually have issues with criminal activities such as break ins, theft, drugs and prostitution. How does this change when there are no funds available for these certain zip codes to begin repairing the problem?
Another big and growing issue is identity theft, which has an impact on landlords. With all of the identity theft, the big credit reporting agencies are now requiring tenant screening companies to perform a much more thorough inspection on any company or landlord who applies for tenant and credit screening services. The tenant screening company must now check your credit before providing services and perform an inspection of your office to ensure that you have the proper security measures around applicant’s credit information kept in your office. By the way this inspection is done at your expense.
Fraud and foreclosures displace tenants, causing agencies such as the Atlanta Housing Authority (formerly Section 8) to require more paperwork and thorough investigation of landlords. In addition to all the former requirements, now requirements include an authorization to release information regarding the mortgage on a property (to verify that the mortgage is good standing), proof of incorporation if you are incorporated and/or using a management company that is incorporated, and authorization to check your credit as a property owner. Although this is a reasonable effort to protect tenants, it seems a little invasive for landlords.
Legislation is another issue for investors. Unscrupulous investors using creative investing techniques in unethical ways are taking advantage of people. These people end up in court and the next thing you know, states are trying to outlaw the creative investing techniques all because they have been used in an unethical manner. This is unfortunate especially considering the fact that these same techniques are great when used properly.
For real estate investors, the ripple effects of fraud and foreclosure are long and wide. Although there are negative effects, there is also a very positive side and an opportunity. The key is in being prepared. Prepare your investing business for the rotten and the ripe fruit, the costs and the benefits of today’s real estate investing market. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” ~ Elmer Letterman
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
The Path of Perseverance
I love the part of the definition that states, "continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory". Isn't that what we all want - to obtain a state of glory? A state where everything just works, the money is flowing and all is well!
Consider the path of perseverance, that path leading to glory. That path is typically not a winding path filled with greenery, chirping birds, waterfalls, and other things offering peace and serenity. That path is filled with uphill climbs, sharp curves and even falling boulders. However, it is managing this tough terrain and staying in action towards our purpose that makes us stronger and wiser leading us to that state of glory.
This morning, I had a coaching session with a client that I am most thrilled to work with. She is just one of the most persistent people that I've ever seen. The thing that I really love about her is how she looks at and uses each experience -good or bad - as a learning experience. She never wallows in "poor me", but bounces right back and says, "Okay, here's what I'll do differently next time to make this better." She has managed the real estate investing terrain so well and learned so much along the way.
In building her wholesale business, she comes across all kinds of motivated sellers - many who are other investors who have been taken by unethical investors. This week alone, she had examples of three different motivated sellers -other real estate investors who were needing to get out of their properties.
- The seller lives in California and purchased a house in Atlanta site unseen for $180K (with a $180K appraisal) but unfortunately, the house is only worth $110K at best.
- The owner lives in Arizona and purchased a house site unseen that is in a terrible neighborhood, the ceiling is sagging among other issues and he owes more than the house is worth. Since he owes more than the house is worth, he wants to rent it and she is helping him get it rented -even that is a struggle with the area and condition of the house.
- Another investor is from New York and is about to go into foreclosure with 14 properties, many of which are vacant.
In negotiating a deal and helping her Arizona owner, she is learning about how much it takes to fix up and take care of property and also learning about dealing with tenants, contractors and people who promise to do things and then fall off the face of the earth.
I am so excited for her because on her path of perseverance, she has had the opportunity to learn so much and it has cost her very little. Yes, it has cost her time and aggravation; however, she has been spared getting into any major financial debacle in a deal. She is learning what is really going on in the market, as well as, how to avoid getting herself in to bad deals.
Part of the path of perseverance is the learning. Step away front the front and center seat at the stage where you will hear only the positive sides of investing and go into the field. Get on the path of perseverance -learn for yourself the truths, the ups and the downs, learn how to manage the terrain and in the process you will carve out a strategy that works for YOU not the strategy that worked for the guru. Really folks, that's what it's all about -what works for YOU! The only way to find that out -is to take action and start learning those real world lessons! The path of perseverance, although tough to navigate at times, will teach those lessons needed to take you to that state of glory!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
How Does Real Estate Investing Work?
Real estate investing works best with a strategy. In determining how you would like for real estate investing to work for you, it is important to first determine the results that you desire from real estate investing. Are you looking to build wealth or to create quick cash or both? Depending upon your desired results, you can choose a short term strategy, a long term strategy or a combination of the two.
How does real estate investing work to make quick cash?
Quick cash can be created with a short term real estate investing strategy, which includes quick turning or flipping property. Quick turning property (buying and selling right away) can provide big and quick cash if you buy right. Typically, the property is put under contract at a low price and then marketed at a higher price to include a profit. The property may be sold with or without improvements depending upon your strategy. Quick turn deals can easily generate from $2K to $30K plus depending upon the deal and whether it is a wholesale or retail quick turn.
Wholesale Quick Turn
Wholesale quick turns involve finding a deal below market value and quickly selling the deal at a wholesale price. By selling wholesale (below retail), you are giving your buyer, typically another investor, the opportunity to make a profit. If you negotiate the right deal upfront and turn the deal quickly, you can make good money this way.
Wholesaling is often a method of no, or little, money down deals. This is a way that real estate investors get around the need for financial backing for flipping houses. Let’s say that you find a motivated seller, who is willing to sell you their house at $100K. You put the property under contract with the seller for $100K and then find another buyer who wants the deal and is willing to pay $110K. You would then assign your contract with the seller to your buyer for a fee of $10K. Your buyer actually closes and purchases the property from the seller; and at closing you are paid a $10K assignment fee. An option is another method used to wholesale. You can put an option on a property and then sell your option to another investor for a profit. In fact, with assignments and options, you never even have to purchase the property to make money.
Retail Quick Turn
Retail quick turns involve finding a property well below market value and getting it market ready for retail sale. With retail quick turns, your target buyer is a home owner rather than an investor. You may purchase a property that needs a little work, a lot of work, or possibly needs no work at all because you purchased it from a motivated seller at a discount. Once the property is ready, you market and sell it at a retail price.
How does real estate investing work to build wealth?
Wealth is created through longer term real estate investing strategies, which involves buying and holding property. In this scenario, the investor buys a property and then rents it to a tenant or leases it to a tenant with the option to buy.
Renting involves finding a property, getting it in rent ready condition and marketing it for rent. The rental real estate investing strategy offers a number of profit opportunities. Cash flow is created when the monthly rental income exceeds the mortgage and other expenses. Long term wealth is created through appreciation of the property, the tenants paying down the mortgage, and tax advantages.
Imagine having 10 houses paid in full and rented for $1,000 a month for a monthly cash flow of $10,000. If the houses were only worth $100K each, you would have $1 million in assets plus a $10K per month cash flow before expenses. This financial position can be fairly easily accomplished in your own timeframe. Some people buy one or two houses per year and others buy a number of houses right away.
Lease Option
Lease options are created by offering a property for lease (usually for twelve months or more) with the option to buy. There are a number of profit centers with lease options to include income from the upfront option fee, monthly cash flow from the lease, profit from the sale when the option is exercised and tax advantages.
In conclusion, the answer to the question, “How does real estate investing work?” really depends on how you want real estate investing to work for you. Whether your goal is to build wealth, leave the 9-5, an early retirement, financial freedom, or quick cash, you can obtain it through real estate investing. There are numerous benefits to investing in real estate such as buying at a discount and creating instant equity, equity created through tenants paying down a mortgage, appreciation, cash flow, leverage and tax benefits. Determine your strategy –long term, short term or a combination of the two and make real estate investing work for you.
Nancy Spivey, known as The Real Estate Investor’s Resource, is an active investor, speaker and coach. Through her training and coaching programs, she helps new and experienced investors create profitability, productivity and prosperity. Nancy serves on the board of directors for the Georgia Real Estate Investors Association, the largest investor association in the U.S.
For a free copy of the eBook, The Science of Getting Rich and a list of Nancy’s Private Rolodex Resources, go to and sign up for her free ezine, which is loaded with free tips, resources and tools that will help you create profit, productivity and prosperity in real estate investing!
© 2007 Nancy Spivey
Monday, July 30, 2007
Creating Success Begins With Your Thoughts
Below is the email that I received today (and the details on how you can sign up if you want to do so).
It's not the dazzling voice that makes a singer, Nancy. Nor clever stories that make a writer. And it's not piles of money that make a tycoon.
It's having a dream and wanting to live it so greatly, that one would rather move with it, and "fail," than succeed in another realm.
You so have what it takes -
The Universe
Yo! Ho! Ho! "Thoughts Become Things * L I V E !" This 36 minute audio recording offers the cornerstone of the Adventurers Club philosophies... laced with stories, anecdotes, and humor.
Thoughts Become Things * L I V E !
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ®
At which point, of course, Nancy, failure becomes impossible, joy becomes the measure of success, and fitting into the jeans you wore back-in-the-day, inevitable. Hubba, hubba.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
On the Radio - How to Boost Your Business with a Coach
Left to Right: Me, Anne Lackey, Mark Lackey
Today, I was honored to be Mark & Anne Lackey's guest on their real estate radio show. We talked a bit about the market, a few deals and how coaching can boost your real estate investing business. If you missed the show and are interested in hearing a recording of our conversation today, just email me at!
Mark & Anne are not only radio show hosts but they are great assets to investors. They are agents and property managers offering turn key solutions for real estate investors. They will help you find property and then they can also manage it for you. The really neat thing about Mark & Ann (besides the fact that they are just great people) is that they are also active investors so they understand the needs of investors. You can reach them at Solid Source Property Management 404-886-8789.
Be sure to listen to the show. Along with Mark and Anne, my friend and host, Mary Ann Pine provide great information every Saturday from 10 AM - 11 AM on Love 860 AM.
Listen to the "Real Estate Investing Hour' every Saturday morning at 10-11:00 AM on LOVE 860 AM hosted by Mary Ann Pine, Mark & Ann Lackey. You can listen online at Call in with you questions or comments at 404-355-8699.
Monday, July 2, 2007
What do you stand for?
Uncle Sam at the 4th of July parade in Atlanta.
Remember the old saying, “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything”? As Americans, we are blessed with the freedom to stand for almost anything we believe in. The American flag stands as our symbol for freedom.
The colors in our flag represent the values that serve as the foundation of our country’s belief. Red represents valor, zeal and fervency. White represents hope, purity, cleanliness of life, and rectitude of conduct. Blue represents the color of heaven, reverence to God, loyalty, sincerity, justice and truth.
What about you?
What do you stand for? Personally? Professionally?
What values serve as your foundation?
What is your mission?
If you had your own flag what would it look like?
What would it stand for?
Deciding what you stand for in your real estate investing important because this is certainly an area where you don’t want to fall for just anything. You want to have a strategy, a direction, a plan – make a stand!
So, what do you stand for in…
Your real estate investing strategy?
Buying deals?
Working with sellers, buyers, vendors?
Managing your business?
July is Social Wellness Month. It is a month to improve one’s social and communication skills in order to be prepared in any situation. Having clarity on what you stand for in business and personally makes communication and negotiation a much easier process!
Make a pledge of allegiance to yourself - your hopes and dreams. No one believed the Colonists would defeat the mighty British Empire – except for the colonists. No one but Americans believed this country would survive. Each of us has within us the ability to transform our hopes and dreams into realities. Pledge to turn your hopes and dreams into plans and your plans into actions.
Let the spirit of our country and what it stands for be your example. Make a stand, make a pledge to yourself, design your own Bill of Rights, declare your independence and begin a transformed life! When you see the American flag let it be a reminder not only of what it stands for, but what you and your business stand for!
Have a Happy 4th of July!

My 4th was great fun this year as it was spent with some of my favorite people! The day started with celebrating freedom at the 4th of July parade in Atlanta and finishing the day at the fireworks at Lenox. From left to right, Taylor (my girl), Me, Eric (nephew), Karen (friend) & Hunter (nephew).
Thursday, June 28, 2007
National REIA Mid Year Conference -Las Vegas
I just returned from the NaREIA conference June 21st-24th in Las Vegas!
National REIA is a non-profit trade organization supporting and promoting local real estate investor associations. Each year a mid year leadership conference is held; and this year it was in Las Vegas. Presentations covered everthing from legislative issues and lobbying to public relations. This conference always offers great learning opportunities to grow our local association, GaREIA (,
and enhance our member benefits. Meeting new people from all around the country, finding out about their associations, markets and more is great, too! Of course, just being in Vegas is also a ton of fun!
GaREIA at the Mid Year Conference
GaREIA had a great presence at the conference by Atlanta attendees. GaREIA was represented by Mike Helton, Marketing Director, and myself, PR & Communications Director. Atlanta vendors included national speakers, Pete Youngs and Don DeRosa, as well as, REI TV's Matt Goggin and Maggie Chamberlain.
From left to right: Mike Helton, Pete Youngs, Barb Youngs, Jim Shapiro, Matt Goggin, Maggie Chamberlain, Me & Don Derosa.
GaREIA presents PR & Building Community
Mike Helton & I
I was honored to have the opportunity to present at the conference. Mike Helton, our marketing director, and Mark Galey, our community outreach chair, were instrumental in helping me pull the presentation content together. Mike Helton shined in the presentation where he consistently chimed in with great ideas for the group. Thanks guys! We received great feedback on our work locally as an association and on the presentation.
Cathy Crowe-League from DFWREIN was our big winner.....
Talk about a great return on investment - Cathy won $1440.00 off of $17.00 that she dropped into a slot machine! Believe it or not, if you win over $1200 in Vegas you will be experiencing a little wait time before receiving your money; Cathy waited an hour and a half. You'll only be paid after an FBI and IRS check and being issued a 1099; and by the way, you can't gamble while you are waiting. Congratulations Cathy!
I won a whole 1250
I'm not much of a gambler. I won a whole twelve dollars and fifty cents.
Funny story - My favorite 5 year old, who is my friend's daughter (she's like mine), knew that I was going out of town to Las Vegas. Somewhere along the line, while I was gone, someone must have filled her in on gambling and Vegas. As soon as I returned, she was wanting to know how much money I won so I told her $12.50. For days, she was announcing to everyone, "Nanc' won $12.50 in Vegas". It was really cute but kind of embarrassing to have only won that little bit; but I figure, "Hey, atleast I didn't lose any money!" Another friend mentioned that maybe I should have just said 1250 and left it at that!
Vegas Views
Vegas is full of things to see. Here are just a couple of the sights that we saw while visiting.
Water show at the Bellagio
Gondala rides inside the Venetian
Overlooking the city from the top of the Stratosphere
Monday, June 4, 2007
Top 20 Metropolitan Statistical Areas in Appreciation
Atlanta Market Update
is provided courtesy of Scotchie Cochran at Keller Williams. Scotchie is a real estate agent and investor. He loves working with investors! You can reach him at
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Atlanta Market Update
According to the First Multiple Listing Service, there were 4,924 closings for single family homes in February which was a 9.9% decline from February 2006. That's the sixth consecutive period of decline. Condos and townhomes had 743 closings or a decline of 7.1%.
The average sale price in February for single family housing was $254,659. This was an increase of 2.6% from February 2006. FMLS states that with continued demand and increasing inventories, an appreciation of home prices this spring is not expected. Inventories of homes for sale is at all-time highs for Atlanta with over 90,000 listings available. This means homes MUST be priced competitively to sell. Depend on Stewart & Associates for expert advice.
There were 6,161 expired single family detached listings for the first two periods in 2007. This is up 50% from January 2000 and 1,900 expired listings over the same two periods for 2006. Overpriced listings WILL NOT sell in this market--buyers have too many choices.
Average days on market from February, as reported by FMLS, was 90.5 for all single family. The average time on market for homes listed by Stewart & Associates is 68 days.
This recap reports many negative statistics, however, Atlanta's housing market (although softened) has not dropped significantly like some other metro housing markets. Right now is one of the best times to BUY a home, as we have interest rates on the decline again, low unemployment, and affordable homes.
According to the First Multiple Listing Service, there were 4,924 closings for single family homes in February which was a 9.9% decline from February 2006. That's the sixth consecutive period of decline. Condos and townhomes had 743 closings or a decline of 7.1%.
The average sale price in February for single family housing was $254,659. This was an increase of 2.6% from February 2006. FMLS states that with continued demand and increasing inventories, an appreciation of home prices this spring is not expected. Inventories of homes for sale is at all-time highs for Atlanta with over 90,000 listings available. This means homes MUST be priced competitively to sell. Depend on Stewart & Associates for expert advice.
There were 6,161 expired single family detached listings for the first two periods in 2007. This is up 50% from January 2000 and 1,900 expired listings over the same two periods for 2006. Overpriced listings WILL NOT sell in this market--buyers have too many choices.
Average days on market from February, as reported by FMLS, was 90.5 for all single family. The average time on market for homes listed by Stewart & Associates is 68 days.
This recap reports many negative statistics, however, Atlanta's housing market (although softened) has not dropped significantly like some other metro housing markets. Right now is one of the best times to BUY a home, as we have interest rates on the decline again, low unemployment, and affordable homes.
According to the First Multiple Listing Service, there were 4,924 closings for single family homes in February which was a 9.9% decline from February 2006. That's the sixth consecutive period of decline. Condos and townhomes had 743 closings or a decline of 7.1%.
The average sale price in February for single family housing was $254,659. This was an increase of 2.6% from February 2006. FMLS states that with continued demand and increasing inventories, an appreciation of home prices this spring is not expected. Inventories of homes for sale is at all-time highs for Atlanta with over 90,000 listings available. This means homes MUST be priced competitively to sell. Depend on Stewart & Associates for expert advice.
There were 6,161 expired single family detached listings for the first two periods in 2007. This is up 50% from January 2000 and 1,900 expired listings over the same two periods for 2006. Overpriced listings WILL NOT sell in this market--buyers have too many choices.
Average days on market from February, as reported by FMLS, was 90.5 for all single family. The average time on market for homes listed by Stewart & Associates is 68 days.
This recap reports many negative statistics, however, Atlanta's housing market (although softened) has not dropped significantly like some other metro housing markets. Right now is one of the best times to BUY a home, as we have interest rates on the decline again, low unemployment, and affordable homes.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
IRS & Real Estate Investors - Passive Loss
It's questioning loss deductions. Real estate pros are exempt
from the passive-loss rules if they spend over half their working hours
AND at least 750 hours per year materially involved in real estate.
IRS agents are checking returns of people claiming to be real estate pros,
such as builders, landlords, managers and brokers. It wants to make sure
that the time tests are met. Thousands of tax returns have been pulled.
For more information, go to....
Shared by ....
Roger T. Herring
Managing Member
Investor's Accounting, LLC
Friday, March 9, 2007
Real Estate Investing Ideas - Don't lose 'em -Use 'em!
Napoleon Hill
I find it interesting that March has been become International Ideas Month. I feel blessed that most of the people that I know are full of ideas! Being in the real
estate investing arena can really generate a lot of ideas. In fact, successful real estate investors are usually those people with creative and innovate ideas. The problem is often what to do with all of those ideas, how to channel them, how to put the idea into action.
Here are a few ways to make the most of your ideas:
Start an Idea Vault - This is simply a file or folder or notebook where you put your ideas until you are ready to work on them. It is a safe place to keep them so they don't just float away as fast as they arrived.
Use Mindmaps - The concept behind Mindmaps is that people don't think in a linear fashion. Our thought are all over the place. Mindmaps help you visualize a project. They allow you to see the big picture and the details. To see a Mindmap and how they work, check out - you can even download a free trial version of the software. However, you don't have to have software to create a Mindmap, you can draw them.
Mastermind Groups - A Mastermind group is a group of people that get together to support each other, usually in business. The dynamic of having a group of people together providing brainpower and ideas is absolutely amazing!
If you would like more information on any of these tools or are interested in participating in a mastermind group, email me at
Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true.
Napoleon Hill
Atlanta expired listing - Are you making the most of the market?
Read the full email below. The expired listings information is in bold.
You may have heard some bad things about the housing market lately. We've been getting a lot of questions about the Atlanta market, so we thought a report on what's really going on might help. Even if you're not moving within the Atlanta market, you may have someone with whom you would like to share this information. According to the First Multiple Listing Service, there were 4,454 closings for single family homes in January which was a 8.1% decline from January 2006. However, once lags are reported the decline will be much less. Condos and townhomes had 658 closings or an increase of 1.9% from January 2006.
According to FMLS, January's decline is an improvement from December's 10.4% decline with no lags.
The average sale price in January for single family housing was $254,388. This was an increase of 5.6% from January 2006 and the largest year-to-year period increase since December 2005.
The number of expired listings in January for all single family homes was 5,505. This is up 30% from January 2006. However, FMLS notes that the increase is small compared to withdrawn listings --2,246 withdrawn or an increase of 65% over January 2006.
The overall supply of new construction single family homes increased 57.9% from 1/31/06-1/31/07. Overall supply of resale single family homes increased 22.8% from January 06 to January 07.
Average days on market from January, as reported by FMLS, was 90.6 for all single family. This is the second consecutive period above 90 days and the first time this has happened since 1998. The average time on market for homes listed by Stewart & Associates is 68.
We hope this information finds you well and provides valuable information about the Atlanta market. If you have additional question please don't hesitate to call or e-mail us. As always, your business is greatly appreciated. If you know of anyone making a move, please allow us the opportunity to help them.
Thanks again and MAKE it a great day.
Lisa Brownlow
Inside Sales / Marketing Director
Stewart & Associates
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Forget everything you know! Take a new approach to working with people...
Beautiful People
I have a friend who reads people's auras. He sees all sorts of colors like green & red & purple. He says anyone can do it. All it takes is forgetting everything you think you know & just looking. I've tried it & even though I haven't seen any colors yet, everyone I meet looks so beautiful when I stop knowing everything, that it's pretty hard to go back to the old way.
Imagine what your real estate investing endeavors and personal relationships would be like practicing this approach. Give it a try!