Uncle Sam at the 4th of July parade in Atlanta.
Remember the old saying, “If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything”? As Americans, we are blessed with the freedom to stand for almost anything we believe in. The American flag stands as our symbol for freedom.
The colors in our flag represent the values that serve as the foundation of our country’s belief. Red represents valor, zeal and fervency. White represents hope, purity, cleanliness of life, and rectitude of conduct. Blue represents the color of heaven, reverence to God, loyalty, sincerity, justice and truth.
What about you?
What do you stand for? Personally? Professionally?
What values serve as your foundation?
What is your mission?
If you had your own flag what would it look like?
What would it stand for?
Deciding what you stand for in your real estate investing important because this is certainly an area where you don’t want to fall for just anything. You want to have a strategy, a direction, a plan – make a stand!
So, what do you stand for in…
Your real estate investing strategy?
Buying deals?
Working with sellers, buyers, vendors?
Managing your business?
July is Social Wellness Month. It is a month to improve one’s social and communication skills in order to be prepared in any situation. Having clarity on what you stand for in business and personally makes communication and negotiation a much easier process!
Make a pledge of allegiance to yourself - your hopes and dreams. No one believed the Colonists would defeat the mighty British Empire – except for the colonists. No one but Americans believed this country would survive. Each of us has within us the ability to transform our hopes and dreams into realities. Pledge to turn your hopes and dreams into plans and your plans into actions.
Let the spirit of our country and what it stands for be your example. Make a stand, make a pledge to yourself, design your own Bill of Rights, declare your independence and begin a transformed life! When you see the American flag let it be a reminder not only of what it stands for, but what you and your business stand for!
Have a Happy 4th of July!

My 4th was great fun this year as it was spent with some of my favorite people! The day started with celebrating freedom at the 4th of July parade in Atlanta and finishing the day at the fireworks at Lenox. From left to right, Taylor (my girl), Me, Eric (nephew), Karen (friend) & Hunter (nephew).
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