Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Transform a Neighborhood in the Final Showdown to Win $10K

At 1:02 AM last Friday morning, I found out that we made it to the finals in the idea contest to win $10K towards transforming neighborhoods. It was exciting -so much so that I found it hard to sleep that night. After going to sleep around 3AM, I woke up wide awake at 6:30AM -kind of like a kid at Christmas. My head was full of ideas around what needed to happen next to get the word out so we could get enough votes to win the finals.

So, what happened next? I had a full day of meetings on Friday so there was not a lot of time to do much but I did send out a couple of emails. Saturday morning I was completely overwhelmed with literally hundreds of ideas around how to get the word out. I had so many ideas that I could hardly think straight and was also thinking about what a short amount of time I had to implement these ideas. Fortunately, I stopped and stuck to my morning routine realizing that I needed to slow down, sit down, and have my prayer and journaling time. It was during that time that the answer came. As I mentioned in my last post, I am reading the book, The Prayer of Jabez. On Saturday morning, I was relieved in reading a part that talked about God knowing our gifts, hindrances and condition every moment. Well, what a relief and wonderful reminder because I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. The other thing that spoke to me in a big way that morning was where the author talked about leaning on God to guide our thoughts, words and actions and trusting that He can accomplish what we cannot. This message was reaffirmed for me again on Sunday morning through a sermon on faith.

Just like anyone, there are so many many times that I don't have all the answers and then there are times when I have so many answers or ideas that I don't know what to do with them all. I'm sure you can relate. One thing I am thankful to have is a heaping dose of faith and a place to turn for peace.

Now, with that said, I know God can move mountains but He expects us to pick up a shovel!

Our neighborhoods are in desperate need of revitalization and the people living in challenged areas are suffering greatly. It breaks my heart to hear the story of little girl who was grabbed off of the sidewalk while she was walking to school and dragged into a vacant house and raped. This is just one story of many that are heartbreaking. Driving through a neighborhood that looks like a ghost town because it has been taken over by crime seems as if that should be impossible in this day and time; but, unfortunately, it's not only possible -it's prevalent. Children are dying before the make it to adulthood because in their minds, their only hope for survival was to deal drugs.

All professionals in the real estate arena need to be looking for ways to make positive changes (beyond just our bank accounts). It's time to step up and make a difference. We were given skills and knowledge - let's use it to make a difference.

Your simple vote for Transform a Neighborhood in the contest can be the beginning of making a difference. These funds will allow us to jump start transforming neighborhoods and lives. This has to be the easiest way ever to give back -it doesn't require any money and only takes a minute of your time. Yes, it does require a quick registration, but it's easy and they won't send you a bunch of junk email. So, please, vote today and make a difference -time is running out!

Please, support a great cause & help us W.I.N. $10K to Transform Neighborhoods- by voting for us in the Ideablob contest - VOTE for Transform a Neighborhood at http://www.ideablob.com/ideas/2927-Transform-a-Neighborhood-TAN-.

P.S. - If you have already voted, you now need to log in and vote again since we made it to the finals. The votes were all reset to 0 at the finals.

P.S.S. - We are currently getting clobbered and need a whole army to pick up their shovels and vote!

Keeping the Faith!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Vote Online for Charity to WIN $10K to Transform Neighborhoods -Time is Running Out

Transform a Neighborhood is a non-profit start up designed to improve lives and neighborhoods. Many of our neighborhoods today are suffering as a result poverty and crime,and these problems are being exacerbated by the foreclosure crisis and houses sitting empty. In many of these neighborhoods, it is nearly impossible for those empty houses to be sold because lenders do not want to lend in these neighborhoods. Unless there is a collaboration of residents, governments, charitable organizations, and investors, this problems will only become worse. Transform a Neighborhood's mission is to facilitate that collaboration, as well, as take an active role in the neighborhoods by bringing volunteers and investors. You can visit the website where there are a couple of videos if you like http://www.transformaneighborhood.org/ .

Transform a Neighborhood has been entered in an idea contest to WIN $10K, which will provide start up capital for the organization. Your vote can potentially help many many lives and neighborhoods!

My Idea

Yesterday I was reading Bruce Wilkinson's Prayer of Jabez. Bruce talks about the part of the prayer where Jabez pleas for more territory. This part of the prayer is where you ask God to enlarge your life so you can make a greater impact for Him. I love the next part as Bruce writes, "...we can see that there was more to his request than a simple desire for more real estate. He wanted more influence, more responsibility, and more opportunity to make a mark for God."

I have always prayed to be given the opportunity to positively impact lives and am thankful that I have been given the privilege to do that personally and through my profession as a coach and speaker. Transform a Neighborhood is bigger calling and it's definitely about more than a simple desire for more real estate. It's about answering the call to do something bigger and helping change lives in a big way.

Winning the Ideablob Contest would jump start this organization and mission, but there's a stiff competition to win the $10K. Today we are in 2nd place, we were in 2nd a few days ago and then fell to 3rd and then went back to 2nd. We only have until tomorrow, Thursday 8/21 to receive votes to help the idea to the finals. Every vote makes a big difference. This week has been so incredibly exciting as friends, family, colleagues and clients have not only shown their support by voting but many have also spread the word to their other contacts. It is fun watching the votes roll in over email as the days progress. Every time I hear the email sound, I say, "Hope it's a vote." Wow, there's one now -just as I write this.

I'd appreciate your vote and/or advice on Transform a Neighborhood, which you can give at

There's a quick email and user name sign up required but the company does not send you a bunch of junk email. However, if we make it as one of the sprint winners this week then we will make it into the finals. I believe that if we make it to the finals, you will get an email next week letting you know to vote for your favorite finalist.

My Idea

Thanks to everyone for your support!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Vacant Property Security

As I was farming for neighborhoods to transform earlier this week, I ran across something I'd never seen before ...

I had to stop and take a closer look at this. Then I called the number to find out more. Basically, these "screens" over the windows also go over the backdoor keeping out criminals but letting in light. The front door is removed and replaced with the steel door you see in the picture. The steel door is accessible. Just the looks of this thing reminded me of a jail -surely a criminal would not want to go through the effort to get through this or like the jail look. When I called the company, they said that there's a 1 in 1000 chance of break in with the system installed. It's about $450 for the installation of 9 screens and the front door and less than $250 per month for the rental of the system per the Atlanta representative - Nick 404-578-1009.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Please, VOTE to help Transform Neighborhoods

I am working with a group a people to start a non-profit to bring investors, communities, other non profits and government together to transform neighborhoods. The Transform a Neighborhood idea has been entered in a contest to win $10K. The prize is awarded based on votes.

Would you help support a great cause by voting? Just click the link below!

My Idea

Thank you!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Foreclosures -What's Right & What's Wrong about Foreclosure Information

Foreclosure.com sent me this interesting article from Inman News

Monday, July 7, 2008

Overcoming Barriers to Real Estate Closings

Real estate attorney, Traci Ellis, and I held a teleclass today to discuss overcoming barriers to closing.

Here are some tips for successful closings:


Be sure to get Owner’t Title Insurance. Lender’s require that you buy Lender’s Title insurance but you must request Owner’s Title Insurance. It costs very little and can protect your from nightmare situations should issues arise regarding title.

Don’t apply for credit before you close your loan. Applying for additional credit after you apply for your loan but before closing can stop your loan from going through. Lenders check your credit (again) prior to closing.

Do your walk through prior to the day of closing. If things aren’t just right, you’ll still have some time to work with the seller to fix them before closing.


Be sure that your buyer is prequalified for a loan and can close.

Make sure that your title is clean and clear for closing (i.e. -no judgements, liens or issues)

Get an earnest money check. If you have an agent, be sure they have the check.

Bring keys, warranties, garage door openers, etc. to closing.

Buyers & Sellers

Manage the closing closely to ensure success.

Submit all requested documentation immediately.

Expect changes. A lot of things happen with closings. Don’t be surprised if there are changes and/or things that require your attention through the process and on the day of closing.

Request a copy of the settlement statement from the closing attorneys office before you go to the closing. Review it and immediately call the closing attorney if anything is incorrect so that it can be resolved prior to closing.

Selling a Property? www.tipstosellyourhousenow.com

Buying a Property? www.dealsorduds.com

When you’re ready to close www.traciellis.com

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Real Estate Reality Radio

Listen to Real Estate Reality Radio on internet talk radio

Click the link above for upcoming live shows. You can also listen to previous shows by clicking the link above. Find out what's really happening in today's real estate market!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Loans -Risk Based Pricing/Loan Level Price Adjustments

Allow me to introduce you to the latest in the mortgage business for 2008 - Risk Based Pricing or Loan Level Price Adjustments. Basically, the concept is that additional points are being added to loans based on how risky the borrower is. These are not the discount points used to buy down the interest rate, these are additional points making the loan cost more. The lower the credit score of the borrower, the more points and cost.

Yesterday I was chatting with a lender at First Horizon about a potential "refi" on an investment property. Here's the scoop or an example on what the points are looking like now based on the offerings from First Horizon:

Full Doc
680 & Above - no points
679-660 - 1 point
659-640 - 1.5 points
639-620 -1.75 points
under 620 - 2.5 points

Stated Income Loans -Must have a minimum of 680 score
720 Score - .5 point added for stated income
680-720 - 1 point added for stated income

This is a far cry from the old days when as long as the borrower had over a 620 credit score, loan costs were basically the same.

Thankfully, real estate investing provides creative ways to invest even without having great credit. However, when you are ready to refinance those deals that didn't require credit to purchase them, credit becomes very important. If your credit is not the best and even if you are successfully investing without credit, begin working towards improving your credit score. There's tons of great information at www.myfico.com.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Healthy Housing Meeting

Thanks to my new friend, Michelle Uchiyama, who I met through the Fuller Center for Housing, I attended a meeting this morning at Georgia Tech's Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development Center on Healthy Housing. Gaylon Rogers of Labor of Love Ministries, Inc. presented on the issue of poverty and homelessness . Gaylon's ministry is putting together a planning meeting, which will be held in February to discuss making positive changes around these issues through training, green housing, working with Beltline project and more. Sign up for my ezine at www.transformit.net/ezine.html to stay up to date on the latest meetings and progress.

Gaylon and I will meet next week to discuss the idea of Transform A Neighborhood http://realestateinvestorsresource.blogspot.com/2007/09/transform-neighborhood.html
http://www.transformaneighborhood.org/ partnering with Labor of Love to create transformation in neighborhoods with real estate investors involved in the process.

For so long, I have felt this gentle nudging and calling to this cause, Transform A Neighborhood. I continue to pray for God's will and direction with this project. He continues to send great resources and people to help move it forward. If you feel called as a real estate investor or personally to use your talents and resources for a greater good and cause, please, email me @ nspivey@transformit.net.